Its Not Just Painting, Its A Passion

Unique Painters works on concrete, brick and wood surfaces.


Preparation is key as well as maintaining the correct application for each project to deliver an exceptional paint finish.

The Professional Choice

Approach us with rising damp or water proofing needs and we’ll get it done right the first time.

About Us

You’ve come to the right place for Unique Painters painting services. We specialize in residential & Industrial repaints. Our goal is to deliver long-lasting, exterior house painting services that stand out because of their longevity, retaining their beauty and protection long after other exterior house painting jobs have quit.

Our Painting Services

Unique Painters works on concrete, brick and wood surfaces.

Damp Proofing

Damp proofing is applied to building walls and floors to stop moisture from penetrating into your walls.

Crack Repairs

Most houses in South Africa will develop cracks in the walls mostly not serious but definable an eyesore.


There is a number of reasons why you would re-plaster your wall namely because of water damage, damp, cracks etc.

Wall Restoration

This all includes damp proofing, crack repairs, re-plastering and a fresh coat of unique paint.


We pride ourselves in our preparation and priming before we do a final coat of paint insuring the best quality of work done.

Wood Work

Breathing new life into your wood for example: exterior/interior decks, window frames, doors, garage doors, thatch timber etc.


Unique Painters provide unmatched waterproofing solutions, with our experienced contractors ensuring the project runs smoothly from start to finish. At Unique Painters we take pride in providing quality self-engineered products and efficient services for each unique task. We guarantee customer satisfaction by closely monitoring every step of the process!